day 441: A Handshake

Most of the agreements we make at work within the company are done on the equivalent of a handshake. Many a business person from the past has said that they did all of their business on a handshake and the handshake agreement was a contract that wouldn’t be broken among honorable people. Few external agreements in today’s business are now made without having a written and signed contract. So, the handshake agreement is really only used within work and with our peers and we count on those type of agreements so that we can get our work done predictably and consistently. This is the essence of teamwork; being able to count on each other and know that we each do what we say and can count on each other to follow through. The handshake is a sign of a covenant that we make with each other. God did this too in Genesis 9:17; “Yes, this is the sign of my covenant with all the creatures of the earth.” God’s handshake with His people comes in the form of a rainbow in the sky. We each can use God’s approach with others by ensuring that the commitment that comes with our handshakes of agreement are bound tightly and are as good as any written contract. If we can establish ourselves as being this consistent then when we speak of our faith others will know that when we say something we speak from a place of truth and integrity within our hearts. To work God’s purpose on our jobs we must come from a place of our handshake being as true to our word as any legal contract. The long-term impact of our followed through on handshake can be a real difference.

Reference: Genesis 2:17 (New Living Testament)