day 447: The Power of Journaling

I tell all people who are going into a new job to start a journal of their experiences and learning. Having something written down to review and look back upon can be like learning something twice. It is surprising how many people don’t write down or record their meeting notes, their learning for the day, their phone conversations, etc. I am a bit of a fanatic about this but not as much as a COO that I worked with once. He was an amazing journaler and there was not a conversation that every got garbled or a commitment made that was ever misinterpreted and nothing that was not followed up on regularly until he could take it off of his lists that he would create from his journals. I was so impressed that I adopted many of his methods and have passed them along to others. What journaling also does is prepare us for a day when our memories won’t be as strong as they are when we are young. If we had to rely on only our memories, then for sure as we get busier and our minds (hard drives) get fuller, the tendency to forget and let things slip become more and more prevalent. God knows this about us as He did Moses when Moses was leading the Israelites through the 40 years of wilderness. In Numbers 33:2 He said to Moses; “At the Lord’s direction, Moses kept a written record of their progress.” So, today, think about starting a journal if you don’t already have one. You will be better at remembering, which will make you more predictable and dependable, which will only make you better at what you do and we all, God included, want that to happen!

Reference: Numbers 33:2 (New Living Translation)