Tag Archives: seth godin

day 2822: Posture of Possibility

“Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the Lord our maker,”

I wish I’d have come up with the title of this post, but I didn’t.  Seth Godin did in a recent blog post of his and wow were they the right words, at the right time for me. The “posture of possibility” made me immediately stop and ask myself, “Do I have the right posture?”.  I’m probably not alone in that I can find myself in a slump of sorrow when I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and instead stand up straight for the possibilities that are to come.  That is the posture we need to adopt in these times.  What is possible is just right there, but if we don’t seek it, welcome it, accept it, then we will miss it and when we do, we will then be sorry for not adopting the posture sooner.

I wonder if our posture of possibility to God doesn’t start with our knees bent and on the floor to hear God’s possibilities for us?  I think it is and I also think that He will speak to us and raise us up at the right time, His time, to those possibilities He has in store for us. So, let’s adopt the posture of prayer and the posture of His possibilities for our lives today.

Reference: Psalm 95:6 (New Living Translation)