Tag Archives: seth godin

day 2852: KIMO

“Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Seth Godin is the first I have heard use the term “KIMO”.  It is “Knowing I Missed Out”.  It’s the past tense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).  I’ve been thinking about KIMO, living through this time when events, trips, speaking engagements, activities that were planned all were cancelled.  It’s hard to keep a positive perspective when KIMO sets in.  Arianna Huffington turned 70 recently and wrote this:  “And as I read back through half a century of notes, I’m struck by four things. First, by how early I knew what really mattered in life. Second, how bad I was at acting on that knowledge. Third, how draining and depleting all my worries and fears were. And fourth, how little those worries and fears turned out to matter.” Part of dealing with KIMO is accepting the past for what it is, moving past it and not spending too much time dwelling there.  I know, it’s easier said than done, but maybe that is part of what we are being taught to do right now.

I like (as you have probably guessed by now after all these years of PwKs) to try and place myself in the lives of those we read and learn about in the Bible.  We have the accounts of the Disciples, the Apostles, and others who actually got to see, meet or hear Jesus while He ministered during His earthly years.  And then there were those who just missed out, maybe by even months or a few years who had to hear about Him from those who knew Him when He was alive.  They had to experience KIMO for sure.  But, unlike other humans who come and go Jesus still remains and while it will be in the eternal that we get to meet Him face to face, He is still as alive within us today as we will allow Him to be.

Reference: Matthew 16: 15-16 (New  Living Translation)