Tag Archives: rueff

day 994: OnStar

…and he will be called Immanuel (meaning, God is with us).”

I rented a car the week before last and I happened to hit a button as I was flipping the rearview mirror to deflect the high beams behind me. All of a sudden. from the dark, there was a a voice asking me if they could help me.  It was OnStar.  It nearly scared me off the road,  but once I shook it off, I said that I had hit the wrong button.  This was better than Siri and I immediately understood the power and security of what OnStar proposes.  It’s like having one of those “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” amulets.  Now, would I pay for the service?  That I don’t know, but I am reminded about how we all like to have security and the backup for someone else.  There is a feeling that all is going to end up well and that I won’t be surprised but instead be very pleased if everything works out as advertised.  We don’t really need shipments to show up a day early.  Just show up on time.  We don’t need lightning speed as much as we need accuracy and consistency.  Whatever it is that we provide to our consumers and customers we should be striving for them to have that OnStar like feeling of “being there”.

From the earliest declarations of Jesus coming to Earth, we are told that He is a God who is with us!  There is not a moment that He is not right with us in all that we do, if we only allow Him.  There isn’t a better feeling of security than the total assurance of “God is with us!”  So, it should make us ask why we allow ourselves to squeeze God out of our workday and lives? With a promise and assurance like we have been given we really should back up and check ourselves to be sure that we are taking full advantage of God’s presence in our lives.  He is the ultimate “OnStar” so go ahead and push the button!

Reference:  Matthew 1:23 (New Living Translation)