Tag Archives: rueff

day 995: Power Of Repetition

“Give us today the food we need, …”

If you have watched any of the post season Major League Baseball Season then you have undoubtedly seen a few advertisements that have run over and over and over. The one that stands out to me is the State Farm Insurance with Kerry Wood and the agent that tells him about the State Farm “Discount Double Check” and Kerry Wood decides to double check into the storied outfield ivy of Wrigley Field and lo and behold, there is Andre Dawson (long retired Cubs Outfielder). It’s a good ad, but more than that, it’s the repetition of the commercial that is the point.  They obviously feel like it is strong enough to hold through a few times each game and through multiple games.  These are tough choices, but when they work, they work.  There is a power in repetition.  Take what works and stick with it!  Do the good things over and over and they will become a part of your brand and reputation.  There is a flip side, but that is a different post.

Jesus taught us how to pray when He gave us the “Lord’s Prayer”.  Hidden in this prayer is God’s direction for us to pray to Him with daily repetition. “Give us today” is saying that we must come to Him daily.  There is power in the repetition in entering into His presence with open hearts each and every day!  In truth, we can’t get enough of God’s Word and repeating the actions and life of Jesus.  The power that God can put in us today if we find a way to be repetitive in Him, will keep not only you in the right place, but also help for your example to sink in with others.

Reference:  Matthew 6:9-13