Tag Archives: patterns

day 617: Pattern Recognition

“Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you learned from me – a pattern shaped by the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus.”

Much of business comes down to pattern recognition. As much as we all would like to short-cut experience to gain our own patterns, much of it still comes with time. Of course, there are ways to accelerate this by reading business books, studying business cases, listening intently, hanging out with other business leaders and learning about their companies and what they are going through, etc. But, at the end of the day, being able to say, “I’ve seen this before”, becomes invaluable. So, why is it that there are many people who have worked for a long time but they don’t make the connections or they don’t carry over the transferable learning from one situation to another? It starts with truly wanting to be a learner and looking at every day as your “laboratory” for experiences that you can carry from one place to another. It’s an attitude and outlook decision. If we just go through our work from day to day and not look at each day as the opportunity to add something to our backpack of knowledge, then we are missing part of the joy of work. Instead, we should look at every new day, every new job, every new assignment, every new co-worker, every new boss, as new ingredients and materials that come into out laboratory.

Finding the right patterns that can be carried through life is part of our human success story. God has given us a chocked-full Book of knowledge that we can find our life pattern if we so choose to do so. There is no greater pattern of life than the one that our Lord set for us. If we are committed to becoming His followers and students then we can take that pattern and apply it to all parts of our lives and yes, even our work. What pattern are you following today and if not the right one, then make today the day that the pattern shifts to one that others will recognize as the image or Christ.

Reference: 2 Timothy 1:13 (New Living Testament)