Tag Archives: patterns

day 896: Success Patterns

“Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.”

I wrote about it last week and it continues to dominate the business sections.  That is the Facebook IPO and all that surrounds the event. As I write this now, the stock is down 13% from it’s offering price and all of the skeptics are pounding on their chests.  Many like to say that the success of Facebook, and other internet companies, has come too easily and that because of this we shouldn’t value these companies as highly as those that have been around for many decades, if now not centuries.  I would point out though that even though Facebook has only been around for eight years that the person hours that have gone into that company might rival that of decades of an established company. A pattern of success for start-ups is the commitment and sheer energy, hours and cycles that go into the company.  Anyone who has studied Mark Zuckerberg knows that he has been nearly one-dimensional over the last eight years with his work on Facebook dominating everything else in his life.  It certainly has paid off for him and I believe he has earned his success. His success pattern has been one of extreme commitment, dedication and devotion to something he loved, his business.

Joshua gave us a verse about a success pattern for our own lives and that is in how we utilize God’s Word.  Think about if we were as committed and devoted to God’s Word as we were to the other things in our lives, what might happen for us?  Joshua says that we need to meditate and obey to receive success.  So, simply, think this way about the Bible:  Adopt the pattern of “reading, thinking, speaking and doing” to achieve success.  Read God’s Word.  Think about the Bible day and night. Speak out what we have learned and know from the Bible (verses, lessons, etc.), and then do what God’s Word says.  It is then that we will find the success that God wants us to have.  It’s a simple, but not always easy pattern to follow, but one that we should not ignore.

Reference: Joshua 1:8 (New Living Testament)