Tag Archives: millennials

day 2387: Working From Wherever

“He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Since he is Lord of heaven and earth, he doesn’t live in man-made temples…”

I was with a couple of people who had just completed a seminar on working with Millennials. What was funny to me was that one of them said, “It was weird because I am a Millennial who manages other Millennials and I still felt like I needed to learn how to manage them.”  The big takeaway was that flexibility in work patterns was the overwhelmingly positive offering that Millennials desire.  It’s not that pay increases, or vacation time, or work environments don’t matter, but it’s the way and where work is scheduled is the greatest desire.  It really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone as we just have to think about the flipside of flexible work schedules and how much we all hated it.  My first jobs were scheduled weekly by someone who didn’t care about my needs or desires.  I looked each Saturday for the next week’s schedule (I can remember going in on a special trip to review the “schedule” to see when I was appointed to work) and that was it, that’s when I worked.  I know others who were on demand scheduled which means they could be called in at any time so they never could plan anything.  So we rebelled against those types of scheduling tactics and tried to do better and now the next generation wants even more.  I totally get it.  Why make someone come into an office when that day everything they need to do they can do from anywhere with an internet connection?

Blame working from wherever on God.  🙂  He works without being in any man-made place and we should praise Him and love Him even more for that because it means He can come to work with us today! Yes, He is working with us today if we will only welcome Him in to our workday.  It might seem silly, but why not look at our calendars and ask, “What can God help me do today?” And then, let Him go to work!

Reference: Acts 17:24 (New Living Translation)