Tag Archives: millennials

day 2337: Oh, Those Millennials!

“Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.”

I was privileged to be hosted last year by Sovereign’s Capital in Jakarta, Indonesia.  I had five different speaking segments over three days.  Each day I was asked in different ways the same question. I’ll sum the questions up like this; “What can I do about the Millennials?” I always chuckle a bit when we lump every person under 30 into the same bucket and then throw our arms in the air as we struggle to manage and lead them.  Sometimes, the best thing we can do to manage and lead those who are younger than we are is to remember back how different we were to the prior generation. And better yet, let’s not forget that we are responsible for many of the outcomes we see today in the Millennials.  It wasn’t them that started with the burying of their heads into computers and phones.  We were the ones who would sit on the couch at night and do email in front of the TV (first generation to do so, BTW) while the kids played or watched their shows.  We were the ones who installed the phones in our cars, bringing our accessibility to the office to the ride to and from work…and any other time we were in the car.  We were the ones who complained enough to relax dress standards and even push for alternative time off schemes, alternative hours and working from home.  But, we forget the discomfort we caused and the consternation that our Managers and companies had with us.  We lit the fuse and blew air on it to help it burn faster.  We just didn’t think we’d have to deal with what it would be like when the fuse burned to the explosives.

We, as people, are going to change from generation to generation.  And, to live through our lives fully we need to be open to the differences that will come, but we have to do so from a place of grounding that we know that God and all about Him does not change.  He remains faithful from generation to generation and that level of faithfulness to us can never be repaid, but it can be the driver within us as we move through the changes within our lives and the world around us.

Reference: Deuteronomy 7:9 (New Living Translation)