Tag Archives: Luke

day 1324: Authority?

“The Man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and, all your mind.’, And, ‘Love your neighbor a yourself.'”

Where does authority come from?  We tend to think that it comes from hierarchy and titles within a company.  While that is part of where authority emanates, it also comes from credibility.  Credibility can be earned in many way, but from my experience the fastest and more sustainable method to build credibility is to be ready to have a point of view that is grounded with both data and facts and supported by emotion and conviction.  The analyst that just reports the numbers doesn’t gain authority without having a point of view about the data that she/he believes and will stand behind firmly.  I’ve seen youth supersede and trump experience many times because the young and bright come at it with all they have and they become almost impossible to ignore or not to call upon in the future.  Don’t miss the opportunity to establish your authority by just being ready, grounded and sure.

Would you be surprised that the greatest commandments of all were reported by Jesus, not actually said by Him first?  In Luke we learn of the questioning by Jesus of an expert in religious law.  In one answer, this person summarized the commandments that had been given to the people over all the ages and Jesus affirmed his answer by saying, “Right!”  Now how cool would that have been to have been the one who God Himself commended for summing it all up?  We, even in our flawed human state, can have a huge impact if we only will step forward, respond and be ready to state our beliefs.  God has given us the opportunity to carry His authority into the world for Him.  It’s an awesome responsibility and one that we need to step up to with all the seriousness we can muster.

Reference: Luke 10:27 (New Living Translation)