Tag Archives: 2 Corinthians

day 928: Excelling

“Now as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you – so we want you to excel in this generous undertaking.”

Every business or organization must find something in which they excel.  To not do so would be to be complacent and to have a hard time rallying an organization to work hard, and go above and beyond the call of duty. Imagine working someplace where it’s okay to not be excelling and to not know what it is that the organization from the top thinks that we are the “best of the best” at performing, producing or providing?  It’s not that far fetched that this could happen if a company is not over-communicating those areas of strength and pride.  Consider today that there are more than one in your organization, department or team who is coming to work today and don’t really feel that excitement or passion inside because they haven’t been recognized or told at what they and the organization are both excelling and winning.  Trust me, it can’t be overemphasized enough. In order to get people to be at their best everyone must know what it is that we are excelling so that the achievements of the person and the organization can be present and powerful.

Paul tells us as believers in what we should excel. He lays out for us; faith, speech, knowledge, eagerness, love and generosity.  And yes, we can find many other places and references in the Word for other areas for us to excel, but if we could just excel in these, how must stronger could we be as an example of God’s work in us?  Let’s think through today if we are truly excelling in the eyes of the Lord in these areas and where we are falling short and then ask Him to strengthen and bolster us today for what we may face in the workplace.  I appreciate each of you who are reading this today, because by virtue of doing so, you are committed to excelling in your purpose of bringing glory to God in the work that you do.  Thank and you and may God’s blessings be upon you today!

Reference: 2 Corinthians