day 1964: Microbursts

“For the word of the LORD holds true, and we can trust everything He does”

A week ago today at a little after 6:00am I felt I needed to wake up. Something wasn’t right. When I did get up and looked out the window I said, “Patti, get up, there is a storm coming and we need to close the house up, fast!” I went out on the second story porch to bring in the American Flag that was whipping so hard I thought its solid wooden pole was going to snap. As I struggled to remove the pole from its holder the wind threatened to lift me over the side of the railing. As the clouds opened up with rain, lightning and what was clocked at 85mph winds, we got the house closed up and watched for the next 20 minutes what nature can do when at full fury. Our community spent the next two days in the dark without power, Internet, cable or phone. The National Weather Service called it a “Microburst”. Given that heavy furniture flew in the direction against the wind, and trees and power poles snapped in half, I’d have called it what I grew up in Indiana experiencing, a “Tornado”. Regardless, it did significant damage and messed up schedules and lots of things. I didn’t write last week as trying to handle other stuff got in the way. I was reminded of how we have many microbursts metaphorically within our business and when they hit, out of seemingly nowhere, they can set us back, make us stop and reevaluate and even force us to change direction. There isn’t much good I can say about these events, other than the teach us to appreciate and be grateful for what we have and what is good about the normal and routine.

The microbursts of life are all around us and when they hit we have the choice to how we react. We can fret and let them set us back emotionally or we can turn them over to God to carry us through. I know I could have done a little more of the turning over last week and maybe I wouldn’t have gone into the little slump I did. But that is what God also does with microbursts, He reminds us and He teaches us. It’s then up to us to learn and remember.

Reference: Psalms 33:4 (New Living Translation)

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