day 801: Rejection

“For since their rejection meant that God offered salvation to the rest of the world, their acceptance will be even more wonderful. It will be life for those who were dead!”

I was walking down the street in San Francisco behind a young guy who was having a conversation on his phone. I didn’t need to know who he was or what he was talking about to understand the conversation. I have had that conversation myself many, many times and I have been on the other side of the call just as many times. I heard the guy say into his phone, “Okay, I understand. I’m disappointed for sure but there are a lot of smart people who are investing money into this space and I am just sorry that you are not one of them. We will keep you up to date on how we are doing and if we need further funding I will be sure and let you know before we go back out for more fundraising.” This is the life of the entrepreneur or a businessperson. Rejection is part of the deal. If we can’t accept the rejection that comes with trying to raise funds, close deals, make sales, get partners, etc. then we probably shouldn’t be in the business. The key is how to take rejection and have it make us stronger, more resilient and more committed.

Rejection can make us stronger. We’ve just got to see it that way. If we allow rejection to get us down or to callous us to our compassion and understanding of others then we aren’t looking at what we have been given in the right way. Who can not stand in awe of the rejection that Jesus took for each one of us and then persevered through something that none of us will have to endure, all for the goodness on the other side, for us. As we go through the daily rejections of life and especially in our workplaces, let’s consider that how we handle and accept those rejections is a reflection to others on how we are modeling the life of Christ, or not. It’s something to think about seriously.

Reference: Romans 11:15 (New Living Testament)

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