day 667: Service

“There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord.”

It’s not that abnormal to hear someone talk about “servant leadership” as a way of managing and leading. Books have been written on the subject and there are many seminars to attend, etc. But seldom do we hear that is is important to be a servant co-worker. To help others and to serve them is not something we talk about much. Yet, those who take the time to help others, and to “serve” them and their needs and priorities over their own usually turn out to be the people who others find their way to liking. It makes good sense but why is it so hard to be one of these people? If we don’t work for a servant leader then the idea of spending time on other people may not be recognized or rewarded from the boss so it doesn’t become a part of the culture. If we could all adopt the concept that we can and should serve others before ourselves, just think how much better the workplace would be? There’s no reason why this can’t be started, today. I have seen many a team or department full of servant co-workers and it can be traced back to one or a couple of people who infectiously and consistently maintain an attitude of servitude. So, why wait? Think about being the person in your company, or team to create a servant attitude culture starting today!

The idea of serving is universal and there are many ways to do so. What we are told by Paul is that regardless of how we serve we should continue to remember that the focus and the reason for our servitude comes from our service to the one Lord. As we serve others we want them to see our service of the Lord shining brightly through us. As we go about serving others, let us remember that we are doing so in His name and that our own consistent and willing attitude towards others can open up the door to share with others the message of our Lord. So, let us serve, serve always, and serve well, all in His name!

Reference: 1 Corinthians 12:5 (New Living Testament)

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