day 626: Showing Up For Others

“He took Peter and Zebedee’s two sons, James and John..”

Not a day goes by that we don’t have some sort of issue or problem that we wish we had someone else to go through it with us. I can remember some of the most stressful points in my career and they were when I had to go through something alone. I can also remember having the team aligned and there for each other and how much easier, or at least comforting, it was to have others around. None of us want to walk into battle alone but many times in the work place the system dictates such and those who were with us in the easy times somehow are conveniently not around when the fire starts to burn. We look around us and we find that we are standing alone. A lesson for all of us is to know who are those who we can count on to be there with us, regardless of what will come our way. And vice versa. Who counts on us to be unwavering support? We will all be better to have and know who the core team is and where everyone on that team stands.

Never feel wrong in asking others to walk through the worst with you. As we approach Easter, my Pastor is leading us through a series called “A Journey Through the Cross” in Matthew Chapter 26. We have been learning what the last days and hours were all about and even Jesus wanted and knew that it would be better to go through the hardest times with those who he could count on the most. He called together Peter, John and James to just be with him while he prayed in the garden. Unfortunately, they didn’t do the one thing that Jesus asked them to do in that hour, but it provides us a great example of how it is okay to need others and call upon on them as well as teach us that when others call on us to show up and be with them that is a noble service and we should agree. So, today, are you being called on and you need to show up for someone else? Or, do you need to call on others to support you? Either way, today would be a good day to answer these questions and if either are “yes” then do something about them.

Reference: Matthew 26:37 (New Living Testament)

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