day 591: Displacement: Part 3, Harsh Words

We all know the language that we use at work has a huge influence on our reputation and our ability to influence, be successful and also be an example to others. Let’s assume that if you are reading this that you have already committed to (or are working on) removing words that we know to be not acceptable in living the type of life that we desire. So, since those words have been eradicated then let’s explore the other words that just because they don’t come in four letters, can be just as damaging. What we want to have flowing from our mouths are words of encouragement and words that reinforce an optimistic and uplifting sentiment. But, in order to have those words be the natural stream that flows we have to remove, or displace, those words that do not set that tone. These words, which are much harsher, have to go away in order for the other better words to become a part of our regular vocabulary. If we constantly use harsh or bitter words then the same mouth will struggle to be filled with kindness, gentleness or encouragements. It would be so much easier if one size fit all and there was a list of words that we could practice removing to make room for better others, but it doesn’t work that way because each word for each person means something different and even what we think is easy and not harsh, can be interpreted to be so with different people. This is why we have to work so hard to replace and displace the words that others would think harsh. We each know what the most obvious words are, but we have to dig into ourselves to know which ones mean “what” to others. Paul says that they just have to go; “Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words…”. Today, take a few minutes to think about the words that you have been using and which words, directions, criticism, or sarcasm have you been using that have to go so that the other good words have room to grow? Removal of harsh words can be a real game changer in how you can interact and have better relationships with others.

Reference: Ephesians 4:31 (New Living Testament)

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