day 539: Who Is Thinking About You?

It’s not an unusual statement or thought to hear that someone is wondering if there really is anyone at work who thinks about them. Well of course there is someone who thinks about them, but what they are wondering does anyone “really think” about their well-being, their career development, their dreams, their passions and the impact that the job is having on them at home or in their relationships? This questioning thought usually comes at the time when the person wondering is trying to figure out how they are doing, how they are perceived, or how their career is progressing or not. And no matter where they turn there isn’t someone else who is there to talk to them and provide a perspective that is personal. Anyone who has felt this way is not alone. We all have been there and how we come out of our time of questioning can either end up in us moving through to where we are much less concerned about who is watching out for us, or we never quite come through and we end up changing jobs or companies to go somewhere where we feel like we are listened to, appreciated, loved, and watched over. This is real and something that everyone goes through at some point in their career. Here is what we all need to remember. Regardless of what we think, we can know that there is one who is always thinking of us. David writes of God for us; “How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!” When we question who is watching out for us, then we don’t need to sweat it as God is doing all the thinking we will ever need and He is not going to let us be forgotten, overlooked or misplaced. So, when no one at the office is paying attention to us let’s not let it get us down because we can know who is thinking about us!

Reference: Psalm 139:17-18 (New Living Testament)

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