day 478: Your Work Load…A Different Perspective

Today you may find yourself looking at a long list of things to do. Some won’t get done today, some won’t get done for days, weeks, or months. It is Thursday and you are already beginning to think that this weekend is shot with having to work. If this is you, you are not alone. There is a reason that you have too much to do. There is an adage I have learned over the years, “If you want to get something done, give it to the busy person.” The reason that you have more to do than anyone else, is because you have “earned” it. Yes, it is a good thing to be busy. It is a good thing to have others believe you can get anything done. And in the moments when you think you just can’t get it all done and you should bag it, throw in the towel, give it all back, remember what Jesus said to his disciples in the parable of the King and his servants, “…but to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who are unfaithful, even what little they have will be taken away.” You have lots to do, no doubt. But, what if all that you are given is because it is all about the fact that you can take this, and even more if you continue to do well with what has been assigned to you? God doesn’t give us formulas that always play out the same way each time, but could it be that we do need to stop looking at all that we have on our plate as a burden, but instead think of it as a blessing that we can multiply many, many times over?

Reference: Luke 19:26 (New Living Testament)

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