day 3K312: POAPs

“We have happy memories of the godly, but the name of a wicked person rots away.”

POAPs are Proof of Attendance Protocols that allow you to mint memories as digital mementos. Think of having a digital badge that lives on the blockchain for something you attended. You went to a conference in London within your industry and it was a big deal that you were invited and could attend.  A POAP would validate and certify forever that you were there.  POAPs can be issued for anything; concerts, sporting events, restaurants, classes, even colleges.  Anything that we attended, maybe one day we will take home a POAP and carry it on the blockchain with us for the rest of our lives. These could end up being the ultimate memory or scrap book. I don’t know if they will catch on or not, but I like the idea of our customers and consumers being able to gain something to remember us by when they experience our products and services.

Maybe we are God’s POAPs here on Earth.  Yes, maybe we can be proof of God’s presence.  We know from scripture that godly people mint happy memories in the minds of others.  Some of those memories will be indelible in the minds and lives of others, even though we might not even know it.  What kind of proof of God’s presence are we going to be today?

Reference: Proverbs 10:7 (New Living Translation)


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