“When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand.”
Call me a geek, but I loved the movie Top Gun: Maverick. Probably so because I grew up in the age of Top Gun and Tom Cruise and I are very close in age. There is lots to like (and some things to dislike) in the movie. One particular line that caught my ear was when the pilots were recognizing each other for the jobs well done, they say, “It been an honor”. “It’s been an honor” is an amazing thing to be able to say to someone else or about a task completed. Are we hiring and developing leaders whom when they are recognized by their teams that they might hear, “It been an honor to work for you.” I can’t think of a higher compliment in the workplace and one that is seldom heard.
When we hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant”, will we be able to respond, “It’ been an honor my Lord”? Are we approaching our purpose of bringing glory to God through our work as an honor or are we carrying it as a duty or obligation? God wants us to have all that He has to give us and if we are recognizing and appreciating the gifts and blessings He continues to provide, then it is hard to not see serving Him as an honor.
Reference: Mark 16:19 (New Living Translation)