day 2322: Going Public

“…I have been heard by people everywhere, and teach nothing in private that I have not said in public.”

Inevitably someone says something in private and it becomes public and they are caught trying to either defend what they said and or roll it all back. Depending on who this person is, it can make front-line news and become a real headache for lots and lots of people. We are all guilty of it. This is especially true of business results, forecasts, sales or inventory projections.  There are many an analyst out there who models sales forecasts off of what they hear about inventory surpluses or shortages. The Investment Regulations consultants will teach us to not say anything in private that we wouldn’t say in public.  That really isn’t a great safeguard because we don’t know what we will or won’t say in public in the future.  The better lesson is to not say anything in private that we haven’t already said in public.  That way our private conversations always lag our public ones and we can’t be accused of saying two different things.


Who knew that such a fundamental business lesson would come from Jesus Himself? He explained who He was to the High Priest by being congruent and absolute in what He taught and said in private and public. If we today are looking for one way in the workplace to model Jesus’ life we can pick up this lesson and make it part of our way of working. People trust others who don’t gossip or talk behind other’s back and who strive to be transparent at all times.  Take the lesson to heart and watch how others begin to trust you in a better and more deeply respectful way. And if they ask why we are this way, be ready to go public with He who taught you the lesson.

Reference:  John 18:20 (New Living Translation)

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