day 2283: Eye Of A Hurricane

“Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!”

While the rest of us are affixed to The Weather Channel, there are those who are tracking the eye of a hurricane because the ramifications of its path are severely consequential.  It feels like most of September, here in New England, has been spent watching and wondering which hurricane would affect us the most. As I write this, it is the first day in weeks where there is nothing but sunshine and no wind.  With hurricanes, there is another layer of consequences at play.  Insurance companies are projecting what their payouts will be. Lumber companies are going to be scrambling to provide the raw materials to rebuild. Construction companies will be trying to find the labor to meet the demand. Retailers have nothing to offer and could face months and months of empty shoppes.  These are the effects of the eye of the hurricane; winds that destroy, calm to collect and understand, and then the back wall of the damaging aftermath, before reacting to what must be done next to recover.

As I read 1 Peter 3:17, I was reminded of the eye of a hurricane in that many times our suffering can feel like the swirling of a storm.  We can suffer from doing good and also suffer from doing wrong.  But, in the midst of the pain, there is the eye of God that is on us, bringing us peace and calm.  We might today feel like our work is a swirl with events and challenges all around us.  It is in these times we are to call on Him to lessen the winds and keep us from damage.

Reference: 1 Peter 3:17 (New Living Translation)



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