day 2147: A Sense of Honor

“Love one another deeply. Honor others more than yourselves.”

There is no doubt that it takes a certain amount of courage and confidence to go back into the business jungle each and every day.  But, what it doesn’t require is that we think we are better than others to the point that we cross a line and send any signal that demeans another or makes them feel less about themselves or what they are doing. It’s interesting that in fair advertising standards that we must hold to, that the requirements are much higher than how we are expected to treat each other. If we are to advertise that we are “better” we have to be able to back it up with data and proof that we really are better.  Shouldn’t we hold ourselves to that same standard in all that we do?

Imagine that we really could begin each day knowing that we will truly honor others more than ourselves as Paul instructs us to do. If we could, we’d likely breeze through the days with little irritation, no anger, no envy and no feelings of resentment.  Why?  Because we’d be giving others the benefit of the doubt and likely seeing more of the positives than negatives in them.  And each time that might change we’d force ourselves to lift others above our own feelings.  Maybe it’s worth a try today?

Reference: Romans 12:10 (New Living Translation)

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