day 2133: Wikileaks

“There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that not will be made known.”

Last week, a friend (and long-time loyal reader of purposed worKING) sent me a note that he’d searched Wikileaks and had found a note that I had sent to John Podesta of the Clinton Campaign Chairman.  Indeed, I was there.  It was a follow-up note from a meeting that we had.  As I sheepishly reread my email, wow was I happy that I was upbeat, positive, factual and not asking for something for myself.  Wikileaks should remind us that anything we write can (and probably will) end up someplace where we wouldn’t have expected and the consequences of that are just too unpredictable to take the chance. Ironic, but likely the case, that the greater the amount of technology and cyber-terroism or just prank hacking, the more we might be heading back to face-to-face or phone calls (maybe even non VOIP based conversation) for those discussions that could be misconstrued if they were ever made public.  Something to think about today, and every day.

Let’s go one step further for those of us who are doing our best to today to bring glory to God through our work and work-life example.  We need to imagine with every correspondence, or every image, video, etc. that if those were to be made public at church, we could be okay with them coming to light in that place and at a time where others would be looking to our life as a reflection of what they are contemplating giving up to follow in the Way of Jesus. “That’s a high bar” you might be saying, or maybe even, “That’s too much to ask”.  Maybe, but if we consider the potential positive impacts of living this way and the potential negative consequences of not, I think it becomes a good way to keep ourselves in check…and to never have to be concerned about the “wikileaks” of life.

[HT to Bob for catalyzing this post.]

Reference: Luke 12:2 (New Living Translation)

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