day 2085: Out of Order

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

When we see this sign, we tend to either get upset because we were counting on whatever it is to be working, or we shrug it off and just consider that once again, something isn’t being maintained.

Out of Order







But, seldom are we sympathetic that things do sometimes break and it really couldn’t be helped.  When things become out of order, we know it and then the choice is ours on how to react.  We can and should work hard at ensuring that all is within order, that is in our control, but when things do go awry, we need to check on how we are reacting.

If you’ve been wondering, “Where has Rusty been…his posts have been sporadic”, then you need to know that this is what happens to me when my life gets out of order.  For the past few months Patti and I have been in house moving mode and it seems every day is a new bit of turmoil.  We are almost completed, but not having order on the homefront has been tough.  And, I’ve been having to dive into one of my portfolio companies and have felt like it’s been from 4am to 11pm daily (which it has literally multiple days in a row). But, soon that too will pass and I will find order again. Yes, sometimes life just put things on us that throw us out of order and they cause all kinds of problems.  For me, it has been really hard to concentrate on anything other than the two big elephants in front of me. But, these are also times to be reminded of what Jesus has told us about how to reestablish order! Yes, seeking Him first always provides the order reset that we need.

Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)

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