day 1945: Team of Teams

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.”

There has been lots of writings and lots of discussions about the structure of the most effective team and team leadership.  In the corporate world most of us have experienced a career of “Command” structures.  Its a traditional structure with one person at the top of the hierarchy with a pyramid of reporting layers under each successive layers.  Also emerging are forms of teams like a “Command of Teams” where there is still a structure with a person at the top of the org chart but it is more that the teams report to that person versus just one person and those team operate among themselves.  And there is a “Team of Teams” where teams and people work most closely with those that they need to work at the time, and the organization is in a fluidity where the work drives where anyone person would work at any given time.  This is really hard to go and it takes a great deal of organizational and cultural maturity but when it does work it’s pretty cool.  We’ve probably all experienced some form of this when we were tasked with cross-functional work, but it not often enough and more companies should explore trying to get to a place where the organizational structure starts with what is most effective to get the job done.

Whoever heard of a true kingdom where the King didn’t need to rule with an iron scepter and imposed many restrictions and responsibilities to garner allegiance? All of history will tell us that this was the way, that is until the King was removed through force.  But, we serve a King who has given us a way to live and then invites us to follow Him.  And when we do, we are blessed with what is unimaginable.  So, why do we push back and fight against Him?  Why do we not live each day as if there is no other to be served?  Why do we work in a way that doesn’t lead others to see Him through us?  The answer lies only within us as we have all the choice to follow His commands, or to not do so.  He is inviting us to join His team today.  Are we accepting the invitation?

Reference: Luke 12:31 (New Living Translation)

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