day 1928: Critics

“As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.”

The world is full of critics.  Some are paid to be such and some are actually qualified.  But most are people who like to be critical about things that they don’t really know as much about as they represent, or who are people who can’t do so would rather express how they would have done it, had they been able.  We saw John Mellencamp perform at The Apollo Theater in Harlem.  He’s been performing for nearly 40 years so he has heard it all.  At the concert he said something that I immediately wrote down as I knew it to be true; “The only critic that matters is time”.  We need to listen more often to that statement than the person or organization who immediately tries to stamp their own critique on our work.

It’s hard to keep doing what we think is right when we face constant critique and many times, disapproval.  But, we are told by Paul that no matter how tiring it can be, we must continue to do the right things.  Today, we might be facing an uphill battle where we are the only ones still standing for what is right.  What God reminds us is that it is all worth it in His eyes and that we just need to hang in there a little longer and let our good stand the test of time.

Reference:  2 Thessalonians 3:13 (New Living Translation)

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