day 1926: What We Owe

“Pay all your debts, except the debt of love for others. You can never finish paying that! If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill all the requirements of God’s law.”

Business cares about the amount of debt that carried on the balance sheet. When debt gets too high, we can’t borrow, or if we try and borrow, it will be very expensive. Companies that can grow their business without incurring debt remain more nimble and have greater leverage. Although some companies carry debt for the ability to invest, or move quickly, it is probably fair to say that most companies would prefer to be debt-free, or as close to debt-free as possible. As we have heard a lot about in the past few months, the argument we have seen about debt and debt ceilings is a controversial and inflammatory subject. Without debt, there would be no reason to have the fight. Without debt, there would not be the worries, the anxiety, or the concerns. So, as we think about how we grow our businesses, consider whether or not debt can be avoided or quickly paid down.

God tells us that that we should pay what we owe and pay all of our debts, except for one. That is the debt of love that we owe to others. We can’t ever pay that off? And why not, we may ask? Because the love that God shed for us is more than we could ever expect to receive and to honor Him we must carry His love into the world. So, as we think about what we owe, know that we owe to other to provide them the love that is the love of Jesus Christ and we are to share and give that love to them freely. Is there someone at work today who needs some love and won’t receive any, unless it is us who step forward? Let’s do what is owed of us and be glad that this is one debt that we do carry.

Reference: Romans 13:7 (New Living Translation)

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