day 1889: The Boiling Point

“Control your temper,for anger labels you a fool.”

The boiling temperature for water is 212°F (100°C).  Unless we slept through our grade school science classes, we know this fact.  But, what we don’t know is what are the boiling points for those things that are not based in science, like our emotions of frustration, anger, depression, etc.  We are spectators or participants in this it seems every day now.  The media is filled with one escalation of conflict after another, more often than not making the news because things boiled over into violence.  Inside our companies and organizations we all have a “boiling point” and most times that point is set by the tone of the leaders. When a leader is quick to boil over then so are the rest of the members on the team.  Conversely, if there boiling point is very high and they seldom ever lose it, then others in the company will also be more tolerant and cool under pressure.  What is the boiling point of your organization?  What is your own personal boiling point?  If we know it, then we can moderate to when and how we keep from reaching it.

God teaches us to control our anger.  He actually looks for us to keep ourselves under control and below a boiling point so we can be an example of the spirit that He brought to the world for us. Let’s today increase our boiling point so that we go through the day well below getting angry.

Reference: Ecclesiastes 7:9 (New Living Translation)


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