day 1504: Justice Department

“For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the landowner who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard.”

I caught a little bit of the acceptance speech of the nominee for the next U.S. Attorney General.  She said something that I had never heard before.  She said that the Justice Department is the only Department of the Government that is named for a value and pursuit. I was struck by that idea.  Within our companies or organizations, we don’t name our legal or HR departments, “Fairness” or “Truth” departments.  It does make me stop and think that if they were named like this, that indeed we might take a higher accountability and effort to deliver to this higher calling.  While there are never any perfect ways to set the stage for employees, it is an interesting thought as to how we might reposition work to mean more to everyone.

Jesus tilted up the work that we are to do for Him to make each of us part of His vineyard and Kingdom expansion.  There is no higher calling to spread the word of Jesus.  Each day that we plant a seed with a word or action, we are responding to that calling.  As we start this week, stop for a moment and remember that God has placed us just where we are supposed to be today.

Reference: Matthew 20:1 (New Living Translation)


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