day 1431: Intent, Strategy and Perspective

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

Author and leadership blogger, Brian Sooy writes about purposed-driven organizations.  He describes purpose as bringing three dimensions to an organization: Intent, Strategy, and Perspective.  He is spot-on.  If a company or (any) organization can define what their purpose is and stick with it, they can only be better.  It’s ironic that we require non-profit companies to file what their purpose/mission is, but for-profit companies, don’t have to do so.  We as shareholders seldom ask, we just take it for granted they have a defining purpose and that it so ingrained and strong that everyone is aligned, knowledgeable and inspired that the company can’t go awry.  Well, that would be a utopia, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t and shouldn’t establish what our purpose is so that we can then as Sooy recommends, build out a purpose-driven strategy, intentions and gain a perspective from which we can learn and grow.

God has given us the purpose to bring glory to Him in all that we do.  If we can only stay focused on that purpose and make that the priority then our own life strategies, intent and perspective will fall into place.  If we are trying to establish those without the purpose being in place first, then we have missed what He has in store for us.

Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)


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