day 1415: Learnings From The Camino (part 3): Never Refusing

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” 

Yesterday I wrote of how the Camino de Santiago has a way of providing what you need whether that be food, drink, shelter, conversation, etc.. But, for that to happen one must be open to receive what is being offered. A Pilgrim on the Camino is to never refuse what is being offered to them.  If someone offers a drink, take it.  If someone offers food, you receive it openly. If someone offers conversation, then you go with it.  If someone just wants to walk next to you in silence, then you accept that also.  Many stories were heard of Pilgrims as they were walking having others offer them items from their backpacks only for the receiving Pilgrim to learn that later without this item they would have not been able to proceed.  The same happens with advice and guidance as those who were veterans will take the novices under their wing to be sure that they help them ensure that the Camino is the best it can be for all.  It seems simple, but it is so hard because most of us don’t want to open ourselves up to others for advice or guidance.  We also don’t want to take the risk of having others give us something because of our fear of having to return that gift, or time, back to them.  So, we put our head down and passively refuse.  I learned this about myself on the Camino.  By the time I finished, I looked back at the opportunities that I had to hear from someone else or to walk with them for a bit, and when I didn’t, as missed opportunities.  The lesson: we working Pilgrims walking through our careers and lives need to stop refusing all that can be ours for help and support and be sure that no opportunity is missed.

The same can be said with our walk with our Lord.  All that we need and all that we could ever want is there for us if we will only not refuse what He has to offer to us.  When we seek Him in our hearts and then open our hearts to Him, our walk becomes closer and better and better.  We don’t know what today or tomorrow will bring but to know that when we don’t refuse what God so generously is always offering to us will have us always already for what life throws at us; that is an assurance that is so awesome!

Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)

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