day 1367: Hunters and Farmers

“He told many stories in the form of parables, such as this one: “Listen! A farmer went out to plant some seeds.”

Sales organizations are getting smarter in how they organize.  Well, actually, most have always organized in the manner that is most successful but today they are getting better at giving the organizations names that better describe what they do. Back in the day you had “New Account Teams” and you had “Existing Account Teams”.  Now, we have “Hunters and Farmers”.  Hunters bring in new business.  Farmers expand the growth.  Subtle, but big differences in the type of people to do these jobs and their responsibilities.  Some times just getting better at describing what someone does can make the difference in hiring and assigning the right person to the job. 

Jesus spends a lot of time giving us examples of what farmers do versus giving us parables about hunters. This makes sense to me in that Jesus already took care of all the new business for us and he left it to us, the farmers of the Kingdom, to expand it for Him.  In our humanity we tend to get our Kingdom roles confused. We like to become the hunter and recreate the Kingdom to our own liking.  But, we are not called to do that.  We are instead called to be God’s farmers and to grow and expand the fields which we have been given. It’s worth taking some quiet time today to evaluate which are we trying to be and where our work and actions are focused.

Reference: Matthew 13:3 (New Living Translation)

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