“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble…”
We can say it, professional sports athletes are something different from the rest of us mere mortals. To make it to the professional ranks, it’s not about luck. It starts with talent, amazing talent, and then the rest must fall in place. Those who get to breath the rarefied air either learn how to breath it in for a fullness or the experience, or they get dizzy and lose their balance (figuratively and literally). Most professional sports have an opportunity for the best of the best to play with each other, but most of the sports make this something of a spectacle that doesn’t mean much, Think; All-Star Games and Pro Bowls. One game that is different is the PGA. I watched the President’s Cup over the weekend and like the Ryder Cup, the best of the best come together and they compete at their highest level, but with each other and they do it seriously. When I see this it is not only fun to watch, but also a time when these athletes appear more genuine and human than when they compete individually or on their own seasonal teams. This also makes me think how much better we would be in our work if we were to have more opportunities to work (and compete) on larger stages with others who would up our game. We can allow our best to get out there in the market to speak, consult, sit on Boards, etc. that will only up their game!
When we approach our work as believers trying to bring glory to God in our jobs, we shouldn’t think we have to do it alone. Here is what can happen. God tells us that if we come together as two or more, He will be there as well. Think about the multiplying effect of having others on the same team to achieve the goal. God is challenging us to bring our best game to our workplaces so it only makes sense to have others paired with us. Is there someone in your workplace who you can be there for them and they there for you? Come together and invite God to work with you today and experience the power of God’s support and presence.
Reference: Ecclesiastes 4:9 (New Living Translation)