day 1219: I.D.P and F.O.M.O

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith…

That thing in our hand, that you might now be using to read this post, has taken us over.  No one could ever imagine or predict that our smartphones would evolve into an appendage that when we are separated an anxiety is created that can’t be taken away until the phone is back in our hands.  I read the other day that someone said they have “I.D.P.”, otherwise known as “Information Deprivation Paranoia”.  Another way to put it is what Anil Dash called, “F.O.M.O.”, or “Fear of Missing Out”.  We are driven by these needs now that it sometimes feels like information and accessibility is distracting us from living out our lives.  No device meetings are smart when we want to talk and solve a problem.  There will always be someone who says they need their phone, tablet or computer for more information.  That’s probably true, but for that moment, they can take a note to gather that data later, but for now, let’s be in the moment and talk.  When was the last time you considered going a day with no devices to just see how much more conversant, attentive and aware of others you can be?  We need devices.  Information and accessibility are awesome.  They are the gifts of our time, but too much of anything can cause problems.  When we start having fear of missing out, or paranoia about not being in the know, or separation anxiety from that device we own, then we have probably gone too far.

If we are fixed on Jesus, focused on Him, in His Word and in conversation with Him daily, then we will never miss out, and we should never have any fears or paranoia about not being connected.  The world is the distraction, He is the signal to which we are to tune towards.  Today, we will have many distractions.  Where will we put our focus?

Reference: Hebrews 12:2 (New Living Translation)

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