day 1197: Courage Up!

“So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!”

The Wizard of Oz. When stumbling on it on TV, it’s almost impossible to not stop for at least a few minutes and watch. My favorite part of the movie is where the cowardly lion is coming to grips with his own lack of courage. In the movie he finds his courage with the medal that is given to him by the Wizard of Oz. I have known in my career a few cowardly lions at work. These were people who just wouldn’t step forward with their point of view until someone else would validate them or give them license to speak or express themselves. There is no reason to not have courage and to not be confident in yourself and who you are.

We are told this is in Psalm 31:24: “So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!” Unlike the cowardly lion, or those who feel as though they need validation, we already have our validation with the hope we put in our Lord. We have to start with ourselves inside first and then we can outwardly change. We are put in situations each and every day to express courage and to be strong in who we are and in our faith. Take heed today in the office that we can have true hope that allows us to have that unique and significant strength and courage so that we can be a courageous lion at work!

Reference: Psalm 31:24 (New Living Testament)

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