day 1176: Social Better Than Solo

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

We’ve all known it and sometimes it just takes time to get it and figure out how best to apply it to our businesses; social is better than solo, at at least when it comes to advertising.  This week New Balance running shoes releases a new advertising campaign called “Runnovation”.  In their ads they break away from the traditional focus on one athlete (typically a celebrated runner) and instead start to show running going social with ads that show women running together in the “Redefining the new Girls Night Out”.  There is also an online profile of a Running Club in Boston where we can get a little of the reality TV feel.  The point that New Balance is trying to make is that showing social activity will inspire us more to want to participate because we will see ourselves there and imagine that we too can truly participate.  Aspirational ideals to be the like the best in the world (if Roger Federer wears a Rolex, so should I, right?) aren’t going to go away, but when we try to reach the everyday, what feels like the ordinary, we might well stand a better chance by taking the position social.

Out faith, while built upon a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, was never meant to be a faith of the solo. We are commanded to spread the Good News.  We are told that the presence of Christ increases with more than one gathered in His name.  He chose and taught many disciples to carry on the message of Christ throughout the world and through the ages.  Today, at our fingertips, within key strokes, we can make the message of God’s Love always social.  Let’s ask ourselves today, what are we doing, with what we know and have available to us to make God’s message more than just solo?

Reference: Matthew 28:19


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