day 1140: Staff Meetings

“Never stop praying.”

If we work, we’ve all attended a Staff Meeting.  Now, I don’t want to take away from those Managers who spend a great amount of time and energy to prepare and ready for this meeting so that the participants walk away from the time thinking that this was most well-spent time of the week and with high anticipation for the next one.  Now, that said, I’d make a prediction here (and feel free to push back on me) that the number of staff meetings that we attend that we think are the best of hour of the week, are a very small number and percentage.  I know Managers (and I hesitate to call them Leaders because of this) who only have staff meetings because someone else tells them that they need to do so. The hour they spend with their staff are not terribly productive and little or no thought has gone into the time.  Thus, the output is not nothing exciting.  What if every staff meeting in the company was not only productive, but spirited, exciting and the most anticipated hour of the week?  What a company that would be and a what a competitive advantage that company would have over others!

When we come to our daily prayer time with Jesus, do we come prepared or do we treat it more like a staff meeting? Do we just go through the motions or do we drop to our knees in anticipation of what the outcome will be?  Do we come prepared to converse and ask of Jesus the prayers that only He can answer? Are we bringing to Him those things in our life that we are willing to turn over to Him to resolve?  We are taught to be in continuous prayer and we can do so with our Lord.  He doesn’t desire us to be rote with Him! Let’s consider today our prayer time, not like a staff meeting, but 1:1 time with the Almighty, our eternal CEO/Chairman and let’s be sure that we are making the most of every second!

Reference: 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (New Living Translation)

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