“So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
Be on the lookout for the first 3-D printer to hit the office in the next few months. What started out being reserved for high-end design, fabrication and manufacturing firms are now just a second away from being affordable enough that we will have them in our offices and homes. I am not sure exactly what we might all do with them, but think about the creation of things around the office or house that are tools or resources we might need. Need a new bowl, print it. Need a cap to a bottle, print it. Need a coaster, print it. Need a holder for an object, print it. It may be that soon, if we can dream it, we can print it. The prices are dropping fast so be ready that when you make a presentation of what something might look like that someone else will be coming in with their idea already printed so that it can be seen, held and felt. There are a number of resources out there to learn more. MakerBot, Printrbot, MakerGear are all companies that are leading in this 3-D space. Soon we will all be able to create on the fly. What fantastic productivity, efficiency and creativity opportunities this can create.
God has always been 3-D printing. He started with the earth, plants, fish, fowl, animals and us. We are told that we were created in His image and we have to live up to that creation. While we live in 3-D, we as humans have a way of adding our own dimensions and messing up perfection. How often do we think about what it means to be made in His image? It’s an important and critical responsibility if we are committed to His image being reflected correctly. One of the problems with the early days of the 3-D printing technology is the number of rejects that occur before the object is printed correctly. There are no rejects in God’s creations. We all, even the most flawed, are still his prized and treasured creations. He hurts like we do when something we create goes awry or breaks. Smile and glory today in the knowledge that God created you in His image and made you personally and individually. But, be reminded that He asks of all of us to uphold His image so that all will see His awesomeness. That part of the image we have to carry with us!
Reference: Genesis 1:27 (New Living Translation)