Category Archives: purposed worKING

day 840: The Copy Room

“…and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.”

I got caught up in the TV show “Mad Men”. In the second season there is a scene where the advertising agency gets their first copy machine. It’s 1962 or ’64, I can’t remember, but the machine is the size of a Volkswagen Beetle and they don’t have anywhere to put it so it ends up in the hallway, obstructing everyone who goes by. It’s television, but I can imagine that the same thing happened all over American with companies and that the copy machine (dare I say, Xerox?) created a whole bunch of activity by adding in architects to redesign the space, construction work to reframe and drywall, cabinetry to redo/create the place for the paper and supplies, painters to repaint, etc. One piece of technology that met a need and created all of that activity and change in behavior. Not to mention the change in work and productivity that in an affordable way everyone could look at the same piece of paper at the same time and take it with them. As we devise and create the future, just be ready for the change that will come with technologies that fulfill a need and change the way we go about our work.

Jesus tells us we never have to worry about or be concerned with what is to be our needs of the future. All the supplies of our life can be found in one place and that is with Him. He is the one who fulfills all and is there for us at all times. Lots will come and go in the world around us but He and His Word remain a constant. As we step into the new rooms and technologies of our lives, let us not forget to draw on Him first for all that we need!

Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Testament)