Category Archives: purposed worKING

day 841: Day To Day

“…and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.”

We write, read and talk a lot about taking the long view and having strategy in place to lead us. All of that is true, necessary and valuable, but in reality we also have to make it through day to day. It’s great to have that anchoring statement, that lighthouse, that compass point to know we are heading in the right direction. Yet, we also have to know how to take one step at a time and get through the day in front of us. Businesses, and business people who can also put in place quarterly, monthly, weekly, and yes, sometimes daily plans (all of which align to the vision, mission, strategic plan) are the companies that fare the best. The balance and the value in both the long view and short perspective is so important to have. Without both, a company can end up with great vision but no action. Day to day, in the right direction, and moving forward everyday can bring great success.

I have pondered and prayed over Matthew 6:33 and the words “day to day” stand out for me. By Jesus choosing those words versus leaving them out, it also reinforces to us the importance of our day to day dependence on Him. Yes, He provides for us always, but as He says, it may be “day to day”. Not worrying about tomorrow is one of the hardest challenges we face in our work and our lives. What Jesus is saying to us is to put the day after tomorrow of worries out of our minds for he will take care of us and we just need to know and believe that He will be there for us, “day to day”.

Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Testament)