day 3K338: Actively Waiting

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”

ChatGPT and any of the large language models are blowing our minds with how fast they return the results when prompted.  This is awesome but it also adds in a new area of concern.  We are already a culture of seeking “Instant Gratification” and AI is only feeding that dragon.  If we shape coming generations with this kind of expectation of speed and delivery, then what will happen to those industries that just can’t be sped up?  I am thinking agriculture, energy, and many service sectors that depend on human labor and performance.  We can temper this expectation with our customers and consumers but it will take communicating and teaching active waiting. I’d certainly be okay in waiting if I understood “why” and also receive a firm commitment of “when”.  Maybe it is time to be more transparent on what it takes for what we provide to get from point A to point B.

Yesterday, I delivered the Sunday message at St. Andrew Church here in Rhode Island. I spoke on how our God is not the God of “Instant Gratification” but is the God of delivering for us, in His own time, not ours or the way of the world.  If we are expecting God to instantly meet our needs, then we are putting ourselves above Him and that is not the way He wants us to be.  There is something we all need right now that only God can provide.  Are we actively waiting in faith and hope and trusting that in His time, He will deliver?  We should be.

Reference: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (New Living Translation)

PS: I hope you haven’t been overly actively waiting for Purposed worKINGs. It’s been a very crazy summer and my Pastor (Terry), and I are preparing for the publishing of our book, “The Faith Code” on September 12th. A lot of my time is being spent on that launch. More to come on that soon!