day 2830: Give Them A Break…

“Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”

Zoom (as we all know) has gotten quite a boost during the pandemic.  Last week they announced a huge set of quarterly results, far beyond what anyone could have imagined for this recently made public company. The Founder and CEO was pretty excited as he started his Zoom Analyst conference call.  He was so excited that he got going with his opening remarks but he did what any of us have now done multiple times, he forgot to take himself off of mute. It was a funny (but embarrassing to him) moment and he was given a laugh and a break because he was just being human, like the all the rest of us.  But, we aren’t always that fast to be forgiving or accepting and we can find ourselves rushing to judgment too quickly.  And, with social media we decide we might as well tell everyone about it. Maybe, just maybe, the world would be a little better if we just said to ourselves more often, “Let’s just give them a break”.

It is to be in our faith’s calling to be humble, gentle and patient with others, giving others an allowance for their faults.  Are we practicing that in these times?  How are we exercising those attributes in this distanced work environment where mistakes might occur a little more often because we don’t have someone else with us as we normally would?  If we show our patience and acceptance then those around us will do the same.

Reference: Ephesians 4:2 (New Living Translation)