day 2033: On Whom Can We Count?

“To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity.”

The most basics of work are sometimes the hardest and most complex to get done.  Anyone who has ever done any remodeling know this as well as me.  Things that are so simple don’t get done because the person doesn’t show to do the work, or they don’t have the right parts, or they don’t staff correctly, or they start and then they never quite finish.  It’s then when we say, “We can’t count on them”.  And is there anything worse than not being able to count on someone?  I’d rather not have anyone to do the work and be frustrated that way versus thinking that it is going to get done and it doesn’t.  And it happens all the time, all around us, every day.  Someone doesn’t close the loop, sign-off on the decision, pushes the deadline out, etc.  There is one great way to countermand this happening and that is to first, always be one that completes our work to the expectations of others and secondly, hold those around us accountable to complete to full satisfaction, and nothing less.  It’s then that we can ensure that we are only known as ones who can be counted on!

I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing that is worth doing is ever easy and whether it be our frustration with others or frustrations with ourselves that we can’t complete what we want and need to do, we are always driven back to the Word for understanding, solace and grace.  King David had it right when he reminded us that when we show faithfulness and integrity we can expect God to deliver both back to us.  And, what we should know for sure is that God can always be counted on to deliver what He has promised us.  Always!

Reference: Psalm 18:25 (New Living Translation)