day 1954: Pivots Are Painful

“Remember what happened to Lot’s wife!”

I’ve written before about the term du jour being to “pivot”.  I had a long conversation last week with a CEO about the business pivot that was being contemplated.  I found myself reminding the team that pivots are not nearly as “heroic” as they sound.  In fact, they are usually very painful and are not being done so voluntarily. There is a lot of convincing, influencing and assuring to successfully implement a pivot. We pivot because we may have run out of other choices.  So, before we start to get too overly confident and move to a pivot, proceed with caution.

We know the story well that once we start to follow the direction we are given by the Lord, we are to not pivot and look back.  When we do, we run the risk of all that we have been establishing or working toward, turning to salt and blowing away. That voice inside to turn back to our old ways and away from God is not God speaking to us.  The only pivot He desires is the one that moves towards Him.

Reference: Luke 17:32 (New Living Translation)