day 1513: No Thanks?

“And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I’m convinced that “Thank You” might be the two most powerful words I can speak most often.  I got a note in the mail from someone who told me that I was the only person she had encountered in a program that she runs (where I recently participated) who consistently said thank you to her and her colleagues. I was floored because to me, thank you are the easiest two words to say.  But apparently, we all don’t do this.  So, I have been watching and listening to others and sure enough when the moment is open to say it, most just sit there and don’t say anything.  Maybe it is a power thing.  I don’t know, but I do wonder why this opportunity is allowed to pass so often.  Maybe we should teach “Thank You” in the our orientation programs! Think about your business or organization where “Thank You” became the norm.

I know.  It’s hard to give thanks in times of trouble and challenge.  But, we as believers are to do that as well.  As we finish this last week before the Thanksgiving holiday week, let’s consider that when we are able to give thanks even in the middle of the toughest times and most difficult of issues that we are setting an even stronger example for others of what it means to live by faith.  When observed as being thankful for everything, then we are truly living in a different way than others.

Reference:  Ephesians 5:20 (New Living Translation)