day 1288: I Got Your Back

“Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” 

It’s always great to have someone who has your back, regardless of what you do and the mistakes you make. Even better is to have someone who looks forward for you and gives you guidance on what to do next, paving the way for you to assure that you only get the best.  As you read this, are you thinking this is your boss?  Your mentor?  That would be nice, but unfortunately, those people also have their own lives and careers to watch over first. This morning it was reported that William Morris Endeavor will pay $2.3B for the purchase of IMG.  That’s $2.3B of having the backs of others.  Oh don’t we all wish we had an “agent” who we could call on and allow them to manage our careers so we could just go do what we are good at doing, without the usual petty concerns of the office?  But, that’s not in the cards for most of us.  But, what we can do is think like we have an agent.  We can start asking ourselves what would would we do today if we were our agent.  That extra thought could be worth a lot.  If WME sees $2.3B in managing others, we can surely see value in the 100% managing of ourselves.

Now, as believers, we have the super-mega-agent of all time in Jesus.  He came and gave it all for us to let Him run our lives.  His management fee is us accepting His gift.  He wants to be there with us at every turn, every decision, every moment and the more we listen to Him the better it gets. How awesome is it to know that we have Jesus fully at our back!

Reference: Matthew 28:20 (New Living Translation)