day 1204: Early The Next Morning

“So the Israelites left early the next morning and camped near Gibeah.”

I am not just a morning person, I am an “early the next morning” person.  The distinction and difference is that when I have something important to get done, I will wait until early the next morning to work on it or to get it completed.  Against the advice of those who tell us how to rest and sleep best, I take what I have to do to bed with me, let it sit in my mind, knowing that early the next morning I will be able to tackle it in the quiet before others rise and as the sun and the birds welcome the day. It is when I work best and when I am clearest in my head. Early the next morning also allows for me to be done with that matters most before the mundane and the urgent take over the day.  I remember distinctly once taking this approach to a problem I was trying to solve, only to find Patti standing at the door of my office at 3:00AM asking me what I was doing and me being wide-awake telling her that I had figured out what we (me and others) had been trying to solve.  Later that morning when others got to the office I had more prepared and solved then they imagined could happen.  It was a very good morning and has always reminded me of what can happen “early the next morning.”

The Bible is filled with many references of “early the next morning”.  Morning is a magical and special time of the day. Our bodies are rested and our minds  renewed.  It is why we also have many Biblical references that we should spend our personal time in prayer and Bible reading early in the morning. What do you think tomorrow could bring if tomorrow, you were commit, as an “early the next morning” time of preparation for the day in front of you, but not doing so alone, but asking God to start this day with you?  I suspect that  early tomorrow morning would be the start of an amazing day!

Reference: Judges 20:19 (New Living Translation)