day 755: Resting Our Case

“Casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”

When we have a problem in the office we do the best we can to solve it on our own and then when it either it seems unsolvable, or it appears that it might blow up into something bigger we try and find a place to park the problem that keeps us out of trouble. We try and rest our case somewhere else, if we can. More often than not that can be an upward delegation of the problem and the case ends up resting firmly on the desk of our boss. That might feel right for the moment, but in the long run, upward delegation gets us nowhere other than in the same job we are in today for a long time to come. If we desire upward progression then we need to be able to show to others that we don’t have to move the case off of our desk, but instead can solve the problems ourselves, just as the boss would have done. It’s easy to rest our cases with someone else. It is hard to close the case ourselves. Consider which course you want to take and the long-term ramifications before you take it.

As we consider this, remember that we bring forth those challenges with a greater strength and power with us. How easy it is, each day, to forget that we are told to cast our cares on Him and He will provide. I find myself, still, in the morning thinking about all I have to do and wondering how I will get it all done. What a reminder of how simple and weak my faith can be. The right thought is that with His strength, direction and power all kinds of things will get done today, and likely some things that I never imagined would. We are not to worry about this day and what is before us. We are to cast those cares to Him. We are to allow God to be in our cases and for us to find the rest with Him! May it be so today for you!

Reference: 1 Peter 5:7